Monday 8 September 2014

The Sustained & Increased Importance of ELearning

The factors underlying the sustained or increased reliance on eLearning and related delivery and tracking platforms (e.g., LMS) during this economic downturn are fairly straightforward, and include: Increased compliance risk such as those related to termination, hiring and other employment decisions, often made with less analysis of relevant data, in more compressed timeframes, and involving under-staffed organizations. Significantly greater reliance on cross-training due to a number of factors; e.g., typically scope of services / products is not reduced commensurate with reductions in staff, so jobs must be defined more broadly. Also, since layoffs are typically executed swiftly to compress the period of destabilization, organizations don't have the luxury to keep roles/jobs defined as they were and then address the gaps when they occur. It is much more prudent to ensure service and operational continuity by broadening responsibilities and capabilities at the individual employee level. In addition to service and operational continuity considerations, a prevalent form of business transformation during challenging economic times relates to broadening roles and competency sets in an effort to drive improved business results with less people. Examples of this phenomenon include DVD movie rental chains that can no longer afford to have just a few people that talk the language of "gamers" or retail stores that require cashiers to know how to sell products and function as de-facto sales people or roadside assistance companies that are training tow-truck drivers to be able to diagnose mechanical problems and align services accordingly as an extension of the inside sales team. Both compliance and cross-training considerations emerge from very unpredictable business conditions (i.e., supply and demand cycles) which cause organizations to never be optimally staffed. Being under-staffed will often result in rapid hiring spurts where appropriate and legal screening / hiring practices can be compromised - and also result in the need for rapid and broad-based cross-training and eeo training; and being over-staffed will typically result in rapid reductions-in-force which arguably create the greatest compliance risks. Clearly, fewer (if any) internal resources to design, deliver, coordinate and manage traditional training programs means a greater reliance on eLearning and related technology-based delivery, tracking, communication and management tools; e.g., Learning Management System platforms. Finally, an even greater emphasis on cost savings during an economic downturn underscores the significance of the fact that training an employee to address a skill gap (when it is a viable option) typically costs a small fraction of what it costs to hire a new employee, which also carries more risk (of perceived fit or competency not materializing). Therefore, when a staffing need does present itself (typically a replacement hire), an assessment of whether training could be the answer should be the first line of defense.

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