Wednesday 17 December 2014

God's Awesome Power in the Life of Your Wayward, Rebellious Teenage Prodigal: Hope for the Lost Teen

Years before my life was turned upside down as my beloved daughter took a destructive detour into the world of drugs and crime, something funny happened to me. Later, God used it to remind me just how amazing He is.

One day in the late 1990's, my friend Jenny called to invite me to a radio station to hear an up and coming country music singer.
We showed up at the radio station, and joined a small group of people sitting in folding chairs, clapping and singing along to some guy on his guitar. Afterwards, we had a chance to mingle, and we took the opportunity to snap a few pictures.

That was the last I thought of that day for years to come. About a decade later, a friend was browsing through my photo album and shrieked, "OH MY GOSH, Is that Keith Urban?" I had no idea what she was talking about, but rushed over to look at the picture in her hand.
I am embarrassed to say that not only did I not know that the charming, good-looking man we had spent an afternoon with was Keith Urban, but I didn't even know what Keith Urban looked like. I asked her, "I don't know. Is it?" It was. I had been in the presence of a great country music artist and hadn't even realized it. And yet, that story pales in dramatic comparison to how often we miss the awesome presence of God.

If you are a Christian, there was a moment in time when you traded your sin for God's forgiveness, your death for eternal life, and your pain and sorrow for everlasting joy. And yet, even as we are reminded of those things, we have a tendency to yawn in the mundane knowledge of what Christ has done for us! How sad that we often miss the incredible awesomeness of the one who created us, redeemed us, loves us and provides everlasting life to us.
On a good day, perhaps we can scratch the surface of understanding how much has been born of His great love for us, but many days I fear we give it scarcely a thought. Friend, the God of the universe that breathed entire galaxies into being, Who poured the oceans from His very hand, Who gave the stars their light, Who dusted butterfly's wings to bring flight, and breathed His very life into your lungs can do anything.

By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth. (Psalms 33:6) Because God is ever-present, there is nothing too difficult for Him.

Whatever you think He can do, He can do infinitely more. The Lord can do immeasurably more in our life, through our life and in the life of our prodigal than we ever dared to imagine.
Believe it.
Pray for God's will in it.
Trust God for it.

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